Thursday, February 19, 2009

procrastination will be the death of me.

even as i sit here and blog to you, i am procrastinating at least four other things. why is it that we procrastinate? for me, i think i take on too many projects, trying to be super woman, and then i end up only doing half as well on all of them as i want to. my "to do list" is ever increasing, while the satisfaction i get at crossing them off decreases at a faster rate. the annoying thing is that all the projects i want to do to further prepare me for my future career are being pushed aside for the little things i have to do. i am so close to graduation, but i'm to the point where i don't really care about it anymore. i know this is HORRIBLE, but i don't really know what to do. i know i'm going to graduate, i need to graduate, but i'm not really caring right now. how do i change that?

goodness. procrastination/ADD is going to be the death of me. it took me twenty minutes to type this short entry, and i was doing three other things - a project for work, checking email, checking info for classes next quarter.

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