Tuesday, March 10, 2009

random night.

i'm sitting here in good ol' taft. jeff and i are taking an IQ test online while listening to some music that his band recorded a few weeks ago. tonight has been pretty awesome. it started with drumline and then a murble run. followed by my dawn defeo interview for the final paper in feature writing and some other writing on my intercultural communications paper. all in all, very productive.

tonight's awesomeness came out of nothing, really. it has made me realize that life really is what you make it. if you go in optimistic, then you are going to come out on top. if you go in with God, there is no way you are going to fail. this amazing outlook on life is making me far less stressed about the future, which is something i desperately needed. my dad and i had a good chat today about the future following graduation for me, and it made me nervous about the next chapter in my life. now, i think i'll be ok.

that God for cool little brothers who don't mind spending an evening with their not so cool older sisters.

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